

Recipe from Julien Alvarez, 2011 World Pastry Cup Champion and trainer.

Keywords: Frisson, Thrill, Choux



Choux Pastry Biscuit


Vanilla Whisked Ganache


Gelatine Mass for «Vanilla whisked ganache»

  • 3.8g gelatine powder
  • 22.7g water



Choux Pastry Biscuit

  1. Make a choux pastry with the milk, butter, flour, egg yolks, and eggs. Carefully incorporate the beaten eggs white with sugar. Colour if needed.
  2. Spread in a flexipan. Bake at 170°C for 8 minutes.


Vanilla Whisked Ganache

  1. Boil half of the cream then brew the grated vanilla pods for 10 minutes.
  2. Pass through a chinois, bring to boil again and add the gelatine mass.
  3. Pour the cream in three times on the chocolate and the vanilla extract.
  4. Make the emulsion, mix by adding the 2nd party of the cold cream.
  5. Pack and store at 4°C. Beat with a whisk before each use.


Gelatine Mass for «Vanilla whisked ganache»

  1. Poor the cold water over the gelatine powder.
  2. Whip to obtain a homogenous mass. Let soak for a minimum of 20 minutes. Keep at 4°C.
  3. Remove using a clean utensil. Mise en place (MEP) for 5 days.
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